“Trial by Fire” a Fundraising Screening to benefit MSCL House.

We are excited to have you join us for our first fundraiser, a one-time only screening of the 2019 film, TRIAL BY FIRE, produced by local MSCL House friends Allyn Stewart and Kipp Nelson on Thursday, December 12th. The film stars Jack O’Connell and Laura Dern, and is based on a true story about a death row inmate and a mother from Houston who struggles mightily for his freedom. This is the only public showing of the film in the Wood River Valley, so recruit your friends and enjoy a night out at The Argyros before the holiday craziness and lend support for MSCL House.
There will be a Q&A following the screening with Flashlight Films Producer Allyn Stewart and current MSCL House Board Member, Lincoln County Judge, and Blaine County Drug Court and Juvenile Court Judge, Honorable Mark Ingram.
See You at the Movies!