Our Approach


About Us

We promote a proven and comprehensive process for men recovering from substance use disorders that includes sober living, health and wellness, workforce return, and the reestablishment of relationships.

Our Mission

To help men achieve sustained recovery from substance use disorders and successfully reenter society.

Our Vision

To inspire renewal for all men recovering from substance use disorders who choose sustained recovery.

“I didn’t have anywhere to go after rehab and MSCL House was the only place that would take me in. After I got into the house, my whole life felt different. Everything changed. People at MSCL House looked at me differently. They treated me like a human. MSCL House staff and residents didn’t see me as a failure; you saw me as a person. It was the process of being treated like a human that affected me the most….Ever since I got sober, new doors open every day. The sky has never been so blue for me. I’ve got money in my pocket, kids at home, dogs, my own place to stay. Others are thinking about how not to relapse.  All I think about is getting to go home and play with my son. I go the best gift anyone could get.”

– Former MSCL Resident, 2021